BB | About Guilty
When you want to test the hardness of a piece of glass,
This glass is destined to break, In other words, the suspect is already guilty.
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When you want to test the hardness of a piece of glass,
This glass is destined to break, In other words, the suspect is already guilty.
而目绝大部分市售的质量还不错的SSD硬盘为TLC VNAND颗粒+DRAM Cache+SLC Cache,数据存储存储于肉眼数不尽的浮栅金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(简称为浮栅晶体管)内,主控依靠在DRAM中存放FTL逻辑物理映射表(Flash Translation Layer)来定位位于TLC颗粒中的实际位置,定位完成后再来对数据内容进行读写。
而详细的看看TLC NAND Flash的构造就能大致的理解为什么说固态不利于长久存储数据了:
综合整个个人体验,YouTube Music的版权无疑是最多最全的,这是借助于VEVO存在(一家由华纳、索尼、环球三大版权方和Google合作推行起的平台),能够在仅购买一份YouTube Premium的价格同时享受视频+音乐内容,就我自己选择的拼车美区家庭版一年Premium资费仅50人民币,可谓是相当划算。同时,YouTube Music作为YouTube下的音乐平台,整合入了Google Music后云盘音乐上传存储量可谓是相当给力,支持自己上传的空间是在我目前所见的云音乐中诚意最足的。
It’s so famous that probably you already have heard of them: it’s Amazon’s leadership principles.
In this series, I will explain in-depth every single one of all the 14 leadership principles — what they are, how they are defined, how they are used in everyday work, how you know you are doing it right or wrong. At the end of this series, I will also explain the STAR interview technique and which ones I think are the more important principles.
If you want to land a job in Amazon and you have heard that learning these leadership principles is extremely important to your interview's success, this is the right series of articles to follow.
Or, maybe you just are interested in how Amazon does things and want to learn from this global giant, in which case, this is also the right series of articles to follow.
Or you are just curious or bored — I guarantee you, you will find this series interesting.
Let’s start with some personal rant as a preface to this series, which is —